Indiana jones and the last crystal skull
Indiana jones and the last crystal skull

indiana jones and the last crystal skull

Indy later quips, "What exactly am I being accused of, besides surviving a nuclear blast?"Īpparently the whole idea was a holdover from a screenplay draft by Frank Darabont ( The Shawshank Redemption). Don't you know it's dangerous to climb into a refrigerator? Those things can be death traps!" The punchline comes courtesy of Indy's friend, General Ross, who enters the scene and says, "Indy, thank God. After being scrubbed down, Indy goes through that aforementioned interrogation by a couple hard-nosed federal agents. The refrigerator situation turns into an elaborate setup for a couple jokes.


It's a reference to a scene early in the movie when Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr., protects himself from a nuclear test detonation by hiding in a lead-lined refrigerator and it's a play on the "jump the shark" phrase that has become shorthand for saying a series has passed its prime, as when Arthur "The Fonz" Fonzarelli jumped a shark while water-skiing on Happy Days midway through its 10-year run. Nuke the Fridge? C'mon!Īt some point during the summer, some wiseacres evidently unimpressed by Kingdom of the Crystal Skull thought it'd be clever to try to add "nuke the fridge" to the American lexicon. They need him to find a crystal skull which, legend has it, will unlock the awesome power of an ancient Peruvian civilization. It turns out they're being held by the same batch of Russian soldiers who made Indy's life miserable in Nevada. Oxley's like a father to Mutt, whose dad died while in the service. He's the only one who can rescue her and Professor Oxley (John Hurt, Alien). Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf, Transformers) tracks down the good doctor at his mother's recommendation. That merely starts the ball rolling for yet another adventure.

indiana jones and the last crystal skull

Yowza!Įventually making his way back to good ol' Marshall College, Indy is fired following suspicions of his aiding and abetting the Russians.

indiana jones and the last crystal skull

Naturally, the Russians underestimate the integrity and tenacity of Indiana Jones and the opening action plays like gangbusters as Indy escapes their clutches only to stumble his way into a weapons testing lab in the middle of the desert. The group of commies is led by Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth), who's out to fulfill Stalin's dream of psychic warfare. The communists had kidnapped Indy and his pal "Mac" McHale (Ray Winstone, Beowulf) while they were digging around in Mexico and hauled them up to Nevada to track down a crate in the U.S. Unfortunately for Indy, and fortunately for audiences, while his military career saw him rise to the level of colonel, all that experience counts for nothing when the FBI interrogates him regarding his relationships with a batch of nasty, nasty Reds. Instead, he's spent a considerable amount of time working for the Office of Strategic Services during World War II. It's nice to learn, though, that Indy hasn't taken it easy since he reunited with his father and found the Holy Grail. Henry Walton Jones, Jr., (Harrison Ford, Blade Runner) 19 years after the events of The Last Crusade. 1957: The Crystal Skullįully acknowledging the passage of time, Crystal Skull picks up with Dr. Jones makes his first house call on Blu-ray and elegantly makes a case for why his latest adventure is a great movie. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skullĭr.

Indiana jones and the last crystal skull